Results for "Biotechnology Books"
Biotechnology Books
9,209 results
Crawford, Russell J. (Dean of the Faculty of Life & Social Scien, Ivanova, Elena P. (Professor of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Swi
Crawford, Russell J. (Dean of the Faculty of Life & Social Scien, Ivanova, Elena P. (Professor of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Swi
HK$860 Elsewhere HK$1,259.45 Save HK$399.45 (32%)
Venkateswarlu, Ch. (B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, , Jujjavarapu, Satya Eswari (Department of Biotechnology, National
Venkateswarlu, Ch. (B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, , Jujjavarapu, Satya Eswari (Department of Biotechnology, National
HK$1,100 Elsewhere HK$1,420.66 Save HK$320.66 (23%)
Dasgupta, Nandita, Singh, Vineeta (Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Engine, Shivendu Ranjan, Taijshee Mishra
Dasgupta, Nandita, Singh, Vineeta (Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Engine, Shivendu Ranjan, Taijshee Mishra
HK$1,038 Elsewhere HK$1,360.20 Save HK$322.20 (24%)
Kumar, Awanish (Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Jha, Anubhuti (Department of Biotechnology, National Institute o
Kumar, Awanish (Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Jha, Anubhuti (Department of Biotechnology, National Institute o
HK$1,060 Elsewhere HK$1,279.60 Save HK$219.60 (17%)
Behera, Basanta Kumara (Professor of Biotechnology, three distin, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Mahatma , Shyambhavee Behera
Behera, Basanta Kumara (Professor of Biotechnology, three distin, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Mahatma , Shyambhavee Behera
HK$690 Elsewhere HK$775.32 Save HK$85.32 (11%)
Behera, Basanta Kumara (Professor of Biotechnology at three dist, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Mahat, Shyambhavee Behera
Behera, Basanta Kumara (Professor of Biotechnology at three dist, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Mahat, Shyambhavee Behera
HK$694 Elsewhere HK$775.32 Save HK$81.32 (10%)
Ahmad Mir, Rakeeb (Department of Biotechnology, School of Biosci, Shafi, Sheikh Mansoor (The Department of Advanced Centre for Hum, Sajad Majeed Zargar
Ahmad Mir, Rakeeb (Department of Biotechnology, School of Biosci, Shafi, Sheikh Mansoor (The Department of Advanced Centre for Hum, Sajad Majeed Zargar
HK$840 Elsewhere HK$966.75 Save HK$126.75 (13%)
Rai, Shalini (Assistant Professor, Dept of Biotechnology, SHEPA,, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Mahat
Rai, Shalini (Assistant Professor, Dept of Biotechnology, SHEPA,, Prasad, Ram (Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Mahat
HK$1,360 Elsewhere HK$1,662.47 Save HK$302.47 (18%)
Wu, William (Esperion Therapeutics, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, U, Zhang, Helen H. (University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan, U, Michael J. Welsh, Peter B. Kaufman
Wu, William (Esperion Therapeutics, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, U, Zhang, Helen H. (University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan, U, Michael J. Welsh, Peter B. Kaufman
HK$1,300 Elsewhere HK$1,914.36 Save HK$614.36 (32%)